Black Forge Art


The almost completion of a particularly large and ornate pair of gates with iron supporting columns and a large ornate arch containing the family crest spanning over these.

At Black Forge, our experienced, dedicated blacksmiths and designers have an extensive range of technical and artistic expertise which enables us to offer you a unique and complete service including, project discussion, designing, planning, manufacturing, delivery and installation.

From large signs and weathervanes, large double entrance gates to small single garden gates, railings, rose arches and all garden structures, we offer the full, design, manufacture and installation service. All our work is designed and installed to your requirements and specifications, leaving you to appreciate, enjoy and use your uniquely hand forged creation for many happy years, - satisfaction guaranteed.

Having designed, manufactured and installed many village signs over the years, usually on the village green or by the road side using two or three men, appropriate hand tools and some scaffolding, occasionally a large, in this case Croydon Council, commission comes our way that requires a lot more planning, organisation and heavy machinery.

The photographs on this page illustrate a couple of particularly complex installations which are documented below in the gallery photographs.

Firstly, (to the left), having designed, manufactured and installed many village signs over the years, usually on the village green or by the road side using two or three men, appropriate hand tools and some scaffolding, occasionally a large, in this case Croydon Council, commission comes our way that requires a lot more planning, organisation and heavy machinery. Following the photographs and captions below will hopefully give a pretty accurate picture of this process.

Secondly, (above), gates and railings will always need to be installed following their manufacture in our forge and we have dug many holes in many customers’ gardens over many years to receive these. The photograph above shows the almost completion of a particularly large and ornate pair of gates with iron supporting columns and a large ornate arch containing the family crest spanning over these. Again, heavy lifting machinery was required, but again, this is a pretty extreme example of a gate installation and the gallery below as well as documenting this project also shows several other less complex installations.

As we keep saying, all of our work is individually designed and manufactured to your requirements.

If you think we can help with your ironwork and installation ideas, then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.